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thank you!

Our generous community of individual donors,
corporate donors and grant funders.

2024 sponsors

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15th Anniversary Sponsor

2023 Sponsors & donors

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Our heartfelt thanks to our generous donors. Names are added quarterly.
Please let us know if there is an error or o


Carrie and Kelly Barlow  The Capital Group Charitable Foundation   Friends of the Lafayette Library
The Mulvaney Family   Pease Family Foundation   Laurie and Duane Phillips   Bret and Karen Taylor


NOBEL CIRCLE ($5,000 - $9,999)

Lafayette Community Foundation   Joe and Lisa Downes  Mark and Katherine Lefanowicz
Cathy and Steve McLin   Mechanics Bank   Susan Nurock   Lisa and Joe Spiegler

PULITZER CIRCLE ($1,000 - $4,999)

Anonymous   The Anthony Family Gift Fund   Ann and Peter Appert   Matthew and Catherine Bertics   
Spencer and Tracy Brog   Malaika Stoll and Steven Bliss    Kathy and Richard Bowles   
The Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation   Jackie Carson and Alan Cox   Gloria Duffy   
Dr. James and Karen Evans   Gilead Sciences, Inc.    Anne and Marshall Grodin   John and Susan Gyulai   
Diane and Mel Haas   Rita Iorfida and  Walter Harrower    Virginia Hazlewood   Elizabeth and Tom Henry   
Justice, Justice Foundation    Judy Kirkpatrick and Roy Powell Jr.    Thomas and Jahanna Knight   
Lafayette Chamber of Commerce   Betty and Todd La Porte  William and Ana Lau   John and Pamela Lewerenz 
Donald and Susan Lewis    Marcia Linn   The Lyon Family   Dan and Meredith Meade   Michael Melewicz  
Mary P. Nash   Pearson Family Charitable Fund  The Platt Family   Roger and Jeane Samuelsen 
Cheri and Glenn Smith   Richard and Linda Staaf   Ellen Reintjes and Don Tatzin   Republic Services 
Alice and George Turner    Melody and Jerry Weintraub    Laney Whitcanack and Jon Deane   
Richard Whitmore and Jacinta Pister   Betsy Willcuts   Diane and Fred Wilt   Loring and Beverly Wyllie


NEWBERY CIRCLE ($500 - $999)

Anduri Family Charitable Fund   Anonymous   Louise Bilter   Jennifer and Will Birdsey   Sarah and Steven Blumenfeld   
Bruce and Teresa Caldwell   Caz Cazanov and Steve Alexander   William Espey and Margaret Edwards  
Ever Loved Community of Linda Peterson   
Steven and Nancy Falk   Sean and Danielle Gallagher   
Mary Ann Hoisington   Robin Holt   Rupy and Raj Krishnan    Dennis and Mary Sue Kuzak   
Gwenn and John Lennox    Keren Levy   Marcia Linn  Doug Longyear   Nikki Maureen Maziasz   Richard and Laurelle Miles
Orinda Books   David Osborn and Julie Morgan   
Lawrence E Peirano   Lloyd Poche    Meghvi Maheta Roig   
Ruth and John Sechler   Robert Lovell Stevenson and Joan K Stevenson    Sibhan Stokes   Norah and Jacob Woodsey

READERS CIRCLE (up to $499)


Al and Ellen Peterson
Albert and Karen Maggio
Alex Schmid and Tina Hogan
Alice Breakstone
Alison Hill
Allan Rose
Allison Cota
Amy Martinez
Amy Parlett
Amy Peterson
Amy and Jim Smith
Ana Leskovar
Angie Traxinger
Anindita Basu
Anisha Patel-Dunn
Ann Bundy
Ann Hicks
Ann Newton Cane
Anna Crvarich
Anna M Evans
Anna Reid
Anne Billings
Anne Cryan
Anne Mitchell
Anne Raeff
Anne Schmidt
Anne and Dick Jacobberger
Anthony Catchatoorian
Audrey Shuster
Barbara (Babs) Callaway
Barbara Abrams
Barbara Bottomley
Barbara Harris
Barbara Perry
Barbara Price
Barbara Ridley
Barbara and John Papini
Barry and Barbara Silberman
Beatrice Moreno Bonn
Becky Carta
Beth Hurwich
Beverly Connor
Bill and Sue Kidd
Bradford Wade
Brian Wright
Bridgette Thomas
Bruce Kaufman and Nancy Gilbert
Bruce and Patricia Wood
Bruce and Valerie Hironaka
Caitlin and Lee Burrows
Carl Di Giorgio
Carol Caputo
Carol Walker
Carole Bremer
Carole Crowe
Carole Dean
Carole Kay and Jack Lynn
Carole Suffin
Carole Welch
Carolyn Avalon
Carolyn Stewart
Carrie Haraburda
Carrie Lawton
Catherine Skapura
Cathie Ramey
Cathy Kissinger
Cathy Richards
Cecilia Kilmartin
Celia Reyes
Chandler Kirkman
Cherie Grant
Cheronda Davis
Christina Douglas
Christopher McLain
Christopher and Jennifer Dodge
Cindy Bilsborough
Claudia L. Bubeck
Claudia Moore
Clifford and Bonnie Okamoto
Coates Family Charitable Fund
Colleen Mariotti
Constance Whitting
Cynthia Attiyeh
Cynthia Bogolub
Cynthia Guynn
Dale F. Block
Dan and Fran Miller
Dan and Jeanne Brown
Daniel Robbins, MD and Mariana Eraklis, MD
Daniel Sherman and Kathryn Donaldson
Darci and Ken Chan
David and Jeanne Atwood
David and Jill Douglas
David and Kathy Groover
David and Sherry Mattern
David and Stacii Gerson
Debbie Goldberg
Debbie Purcell
Debby Isaacs
Deborah Sullivan
Debra Fong Kong
Debra Glass
Dena Graff and Luke Fretwell
Denise Zetterbaum
Derrick and Louise Lue
Diana Brown
Diana and Kent Godfrey
Diane Bode
Diane Frank
Diane Shelby
Don and Linda Jenkins
Don and Marty Lenzi
Donata Hubert
Donn and Tracy Heenan Walklet
Donna Kanter
Donna L Bernick
Doreen Wagner
Dorothy Walker
Douglas Cowden
Dudley Chase
Ed and Cathy O'Dea
Eda Fukayama
Elaine Holt
Elaine Lind
Eleanor McDougal
Eliot and Martha Hudson
Elise Morris
Elizabet and Morgan Caldwell
Elizabeth A. Tompkins
Elizabeth Boyle
Elizabeth Craven
Elizabeth Van Houten
Ellen Brookman
Ellen Marshall
Elmer and Paulette Chinn
Elsa Zisook
Emi Bevacqua
Erling and Patricia Horn
Ernest and Marci Sponzilli
Esther Herrera
Esther Nichol
Fredericka Gorham
Gabriel Escobar and Regina McGrath
Gabriella Visola
Gail Pohlman
Gail and Michael Wolfson
Gayl and Harlan Hirschfeld
Geneve Greene
George and Sharon Marshall
Gina and Richard Ney
Glenn and Leota Woods
Glenn and Phyllis Smith
Green Light Renewable Services, LLC
Gregg and Anne Korbin
Gregory Rhodes and Sally Davis
Gretchen La Rotonda
Hank Hanig
Heather F Taylor
Heather Hogan
Heidi Mayer
Helen Anderson
Helen Henry
Hema Padhu
Hilda Bernardi
Holly and Kevin Higgins
Howard and Sherry Hoover
Hugh and Mary Anne Winig
Jacqueline Boucher
Jacqueline Freeman
James Lamble
James Poole
James Tamulski
James and Dianne Chandler
James and Francesca Cervantes
James and Jane Walsh
James and Marissa Comins
James and Trina Audley
Jan Berckefeldt
Jan Hagstrom
Jana Stein
Jane Rabinovitz
Janet Preston
Janet Read
Janet Thibault
Janet and Ramsay Thomas
Janet and Steve Virostek
Janice Cattolica
Janice Woodman
Jasmeen Joshi
Jaynese and Peter Davis
Jean Foskett
Jean K Murray
Jeanne Parham
Jeff and Adrienne Rogers

Lafayette Library and Learning Center Foundation

3491 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Suite 214
Lafayette, CA 94549

(925) 283-6513


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Lafayette Library and Learning Center Foundation
a 501(c)3 nonprofit Organization  EIN # 26-0403799

© The Lafayette Library and Learning Center Foundation, all rights reserved

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